Get Your Best Smile for Those Holiday Photos with Professional Teeth Whitening

Get Your Best Smile for Those Holiday Photos with Professional Teeth Whitening

The holidays are a time of office parties, family gatherings, and social events — which means plenty of photos to commemorate the events. If your smile looks dingy, dull, or discolored, having your photo snapped probably doesn’t bring you much holiday joy. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening can help your smile look its whitest and brightest in just a single office visit.

At American Dental Clinic, Emmanuel Aguilar, DMD, and his team offer two options for teeth whitening for San Diego, California, patients: at-home treatments using custom-made whitening trays and in-office whitening using the state-of-the-art Zoom!® whitening system. Here’s how to decide which option is right for you.

How Zoom! works

If you need quick results for your upcoming parties and events, Zoom! is the way to go. That’s because Zoom! whitening can be completed in just one hour in our office, so your smile will be ready to flash the same day.

Zoom! uses a special light-activated gel. Once the gel is applied to your teeth, we use a special light to help the gel penetrate your teeth more quickly and deeply. The result is a smile up to eight shades whiter in just one treatment.


There’s no downtime with Zoom! because your results are visible immediately, it’s a great whitening treatment for events in the near future.

Custom trays for at-home whitening

Our custom at-home whitening system can give you great results, too. However, unlike Zoom!, which offers immediate results, the tray system takes about a week to see optimal results.

While Zoom! might seem like the better alternative, many people prefer trays because they have control over the amount of whitening simply by altering the amount of time they use them. Take-home trays are custom-made and molded to hug the contours of your teeth for complete, consistent coverage. You fill the trays with whitening gel, then wear the trays for several hours each day.

Custom whitening trays offer dramatic results within a few days, with maximum results taking longer. Many people opt to have Zoom! whitening first, then use the trays to maintain their beautiful results indefinitely. 

One more tip: Before any whitening treatment, it’s a good idea to have a professional teeth cleaning. During your cleaning, we remove plaque and tartar deposits that could prevent the whitening agent from penetrating evenly. For ultimate convenience, we can clean your teeth on the same day as your whitening appointment.

Enjoy whiter teeth this holiday season

Don’t let a dingy smile ruin your good cheer this holiday season. To schedule your professional whitening treatment, call 858-215-2951 or request an online appointment with the American Dental Clinic team today.

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