Gingivitis 101: Can I Reverse Early Gum Disease?

Gingivitis 101: Can I Reverse Early Gum Disease?

Home oral care is one of life's routines but one of the most neglected. Almost half of all US adults exhibit signs of early gum disease, also known as gingivitis. It’s a small wonder that gingivitis is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. 

Emmanuel Aguilar, DMD, and the team at American Dental Clinic in San Diego, California, can help you reverse the early stages of gum disease. If you show signs of gingivitis (which we share below), schedule an exam and consultation to preserve your oral health. 

Gum disease development

Periodontal or gum disease occurs when your gum tissues become inflamed from the infection. Genetics can play a role, but poor dental hygiene causes this condition. Brushing or flossing poorly or infrequently leads to poor periodontal health, where bacteria forms plaque that builds up on your tooth enamel and at your gum line. 

Unaddressed plaque quickly calcifies into a more challenging substance called tartar. A small amount of plaque or tartar at the gum line is all that is needed to cause gingivitis. Only a professional cleaning or root planing can get rid of tartar. 

Signs of early gum disease

Gingivitis can begin without apparent signs and is often only detected by a dentist during a routine dental exam and cleaning. Common symptoms include:

Your gums may also appear to have pulled away from your teeth, not fitting as snugly as before. 

Reversing gingivitis

Addressing gingivitis is critical to prevent more advanced gum disease or periodontitis levels. This stage includes worsened tooth decay, tooth pain, and tooth loss, requiring more effective treatment for these complications. For example, ignoring gum disease can lead to the need for a root canal or other endodontic treatment to handle an infected tooth.

Dr. Aguilar may recommend the following to reverse early gingivitis:

Typically, a professional dental cleaning that helps eliminate gingivitis involves scaling and root planing to remove tartar and smooth the tooth root to prevent further buildup and promote gum reattachment. 

Avoid oral health problems

Gum disease is generally irreversible and requires more extensive professional dental treatments once it progresses beyond gingivitis to periodontitis. Dr. Aguilar and the team at American Dental Clinic can help you stop gingivitis early with oral care. Contact us online or by phone today to schedule an exam and consultation to protect your oral health. 

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